Events This Week
Monday – Friday at 11:30 am to 12:30 pm – Summer Lunches are still being served in the Downstairs Activity Area at the Library. USD 480’s Summer Food Service Program is open to all children and teens, ages 1-18.
- Monday at 4:30 pm Movie Time – Made in 2009, this movie stars Dwayne Johnson, Jessica Biel and Justin Long. Astronaut Chuck Baker lands on what he thinks is an uninhabited alien planet, only to discover that he has accidentally invaded an alien civilization.
- Tuesday at 11 am Storytime – 3 to 6 years – We’ll have space themed stories and crafts. Plus, every child gets a free book to take home at every storytime.

- Tuesday at 4 pm Teen Kahoot Trivia: Stranger Things – Join us for Stranger Things trivia hosted on Kahoot. Kahoot is a fun website/app for classroom style quizzes. The questions for this will be themed around Stranger Things, don’t worry if you don’t know the answers; come for fun! There will be a prize for the winner!
- Tuesday at 6 pm Bad Art for Adults – Are you bad at art, but love to do it anyway? Come to our Bad Art program where the worst art is the best! We will be making art out of leftover craft supplies and voting on the worst – or is it the best?!
- Wednesday at 11 am Storytime – Birth to 2 years– Storytimes for newborns to 2 year olds. We’ll have stories, songs, and rhymes. Also, every child gets a free book to take home!
- Wednesday at 2 pm Spinning Yarns group – Hang out with other adults who share your interest in crochet, knitting, or other needlework. Bring your own materials. All are welcome.
- Wednesday at 4 pm Teen DIY: Shark Week Jewelry Making – During Summer Reading, we will have a series of DIY programs for teens. This week’s DIY project is inspired by Shark Week.
- Thursday at 11 am Storytime – 7 to 11 years – We’ll have space themed stories and crafts. Plus, every child gets a free book to take home at every storytime.
- Thursday at 5:30 pm Storytime – Evening Storytime is open to all ages. We’ll have space themed stories and crafts. Plus, every child gets a free book to take home at every storytime.
- Thursday at 6 pm Fandom Debates – Teens, got a favorite fandom? Come argue your opinions! Go head to head about topics like books, manga, pop culture, movies, TV, whatever you’re a fan of.
- Friday at Noon Adult End of Summer Reading Party – We will be drawing for the winners of our Summer Reading Bingo Card program while enjoying pizza! Sign up required. Signup onlineor at the front desk.
- Friday at 2 pm Kid’s End of Summer Reading Party – At our Kids End of Summer Reading Party on Friday, July 26th at 2 pm, we will be eating pizza and watching a Disney Pixar movie about a lovable robot. If you haven’t already turned in your reading logs, this will be your last chance to turn them in and get a prize.
- Friday at 4 pm Teen End of Summer Reading Party – Come to our Teen End of Summer Reading Party for your last chance to finish your bingo card and get prizes! If you missed out on any of the previous programs, DIY or Kahoot Trivia, you will have a chance to participate during the party. In addition, we will be playing board and card games and have snacks available.

More Events
Recipe Swap
On Tuesday, July 30th at 6:30 p.m., join us for Recipe Swap and share your favorite recipe with fellow patrons who share your passion — cooking! Every month is a different theme. This month’s theme is “Picnic Foods”.
Harry Potter’s Birthday Party

Harry Potter is turning 39 this year. Celebrate his birthday with us on Wednesday, July 31st at 4 p.m. Watch a movie and get sorted into your Hogwarts house. Refreshments will include butterbeer and cupcakes.
Beginner’s 3D Printing Workshop
Do you have questions about 3D printing? Come to our beginner’s workshop to learn how to use the library’s 3D printer.
On Monday, August 5th at 6 p.m., we will walk through the process of finding a print-ready file online that you can print as is or alter to fit your needs. The workshop is held the every 1st Monday of the month at 6 p.m. All ages welcome. Signup online or at the front desk.
Library and Lunch book discussion
In August, we will discuss “Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper” by Phaedra Patrick. We’ll meet on Tuesday, August 13th at 12 p.m. Bring your lunch and join the discussion.
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