This week is Kansas Reads to Preschoolers Week, and libraries across the state will celebrate the event with storytimes and activities. According to the State Library of Kansas, “Kansas Reads to Preschoolers highlights the importance of reading to children with a goal that every Kansas child from birth to age five is read to during the week.” This is an opportunity for libraries, preschools, daycare providers, parents, and guardians around Kansas to all share a book with the young children they care for and/or work with.
This year, everyone in Kansas is reading The Napping House to preschoolers. The book is about a cozy bed, a snoring granny, a dreaming child, a dozing dog, a snoozing–WAIT! There’s a surprise in store, and little ones will want to discover it over and over again. So pull on your sleeping cap and snuggle in for a timeless cumulative tale that’s truly like no other.
My fellow Children’s Librarian, Zuki, and I will be going around to the different preschools in town, reading The Napping House along with other books and making crafts. We will also be giving out a free copy of the book to every child!
The library is having a special Pajama Party on Saturday at 1 pm to celebrate Kansas Reads to Preschoolers Week! Kids and their parents are invited to wear their favorite PJs while they enjoy free snacks, games, crafts, and stories. Every child who attends the party will receive a free book to take home.
The library has several other activities coming up through the end of November:
- Storytimes are every Tuesday at 10 am and Thursdays at 6 pm. All ages of children are welcome as we share stories, songs, crafts, and more! Plus, every child gets a free book at every storytime, thanks to our Budding Bookworms program.
- Tuesday at noon, bring your lunch and join the Library & Lunch discussion. This month, we’re discussing books by authors we’re thankful for.
Jerry Barlow will be at the library on Tuesday at 6:30 pm for a free concert! Enjoy Celtic guitar, history and humor as heard on NPR and PBS. His music consists of a synthesis of traditional music from the British Isles and his own original Celtic-inspired compositions. Barlow brings the songs alive by sharing the history, legend and humor behind the music.
- Adults, join us for a fun time at Game Day on Friday at 2 pm! Play Mexican Train Dominoes, the card game “5 Crowns,” or Spoons! Adults only.
- Have you ever wanted to learn how to use a 3D Printer? Then come to our Beginner’s 3D Printing Workshop, next Monday (20th) at 6 pm! We will walk through the process of finding a print-ready file online that you can print as-is or alter to fit your needs. Sign up at the front desk or on our website,
- The library will close at 1 pm on Nov. 22 and be closed on Nov. 23 & 24 for Thanksgiving. We wish you and your family a wonderful holiday.
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