Events This Week
Monday – Friday at 11:30 am to 12:30 pm – Summer Lunches will be served in the Downstairs Activity Area at the Library. USD 480’s Summer Food Service Program is open to all children and teens, ages 1-18.

- Monday at 2 pm Mythology Behind the Constellations – Matthew McIntyre and Katie Rages share the mythology behind the constellations. Part of our “A Universe of Stories” Teen Summer Reading Program.
- Tuesday at 11 am Storytime – 3 to 6 years – We’ll have space themed stories and crafts. Plus, every child gets a free book to take home at every storytime.
- Tuesday at 4 pm Teen DIY: Space Spray Paint Art – During Summer Reading, we will have a series of DIY programs for teens. This week we will be making space scenes out of spray paint on poster paper. We will have supplies for the first 25 teens.
- Wednesday at 11 am Storytime – Birth to 2 years– Storytimes for newborns to 2 year olds. We’ll have stories, songs, and rhymes. Also, every child gets a free book to take home!
- Wednesday at 6 pm Juneteenth Program – Join us in the coffee bar area for a Juneteenth presentation for all ages. Juneteenth is a holiday that commemorates the June 19, 1865, announcement of the abolition of slavery in Texas. It is also called Emancipation Day and Freedom Day.
- Thursday at Noon Adult Craft Day – Join us for a fun summer themed craft, supplies will be provided, sign up required.
- Thursday at 5:30 pm Storytime – Evening Storytime is open to all ages. We’ll have space themed stories and crafts. Plus, every child gets a free book to take home at every storytime.
- Thursday at 6 pm Fandom Debates – Teens, got a favorite fandom? Come argue your opinions! Go head to head about topics like books, manga, pop culture, movies, TV, whatever your a fan of.
- Friday at 1 pm Jammin’ Randy –The show is called “Rockin’ through the Universe” and will include original songs that teach about the planets and also include fun dance songs!

More Events
There will be a lot more special events in the next month as part of our Summer Reading program. Pick up an event calendar at the library or visit our website,, for more information.
- Monday, June 24th at 2 pm – Mythology Behind the Constellations part 2
- Tuesday, June 25th at 4 pm – Teen Kahoot Trivia: Star Wars
- Tuesday, June 25th at 6:30pm – Recipe Swap
- Wednesday, June 26th at 1pm – Mad Science, Destination: Moon!
- Wednesday, June 26th at 2pm – Spinning Yarns group
- Friday, June 28th at 3:30pm – Interactive Movie for adults and teens
- Tuesday, July 2nd at 1:30pm – Dan Dan the Magic Man, “Cosmic Conjuring: A Universe of Magic”
- Tuesday, July 2nd at 4 pm – Teen DIY: Sonic Screwdriver Pens
- Tuesday, July 9th at 1 pm – Musician Aaron Fowler and Miss Bella, will share stories and songs. For ages 4 & up.
- Wednesday, July 10th at 2 pm – Astronomy Class, teen program presented by Darrin Hook
- Thursday, July 11th at 1 pm – Troy Graham, folk singer-songwriter, poet, children’s entertainer
- Friday, July 19 at 1:30 pm – Priscilla Howe, A Galaxy of Giggles
Summer Reading Signup
It’s still not too late to sign up for summer reading. Kid’s birth to 11 years old can sign-up for summer reading online ( or at the library. For teens, 6th – 12th grade, no sign-up is needed. Just come to the library to get your Teen Summer Reading bingo card and find out how to get started. Adults have their own summer reading program. Sign up for it online ( or at the library.
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