Events This Week
- Tuesday at 11 am Storytime – Stories, songs, crafts, and more! Plus, every child gets a free book to take home at every storytime. Story times are open to children of all ages.
- Wednesday at 11 am Lapsit Storytime – Special storytime for children ages 0-2. Come listen to stories, sing songs, and develop key literacy skills. Also, every child gets a FREE book to take home!
- Thursday at 2 pm Spinning Yarns group – Do you love to crochet, knit, or do other needlework? Would you like to spend time with others who share your interest, give pointers, and socialize? Then come and join our Spinning Yarns group! Please bring your own materials. Beginners to experts are all welcome.
- Thursday at 5:30 pm Storytime – If you can’t make it to the morning storytime on Tuesday, you can come to the evening Thursday one instead. For children of all ages.
- Thursday at 6 pm Movie – Come join us for a fun new animated movie! See the further adventures of Hiccup, Toothless and their dragon-riding friends.
More Events
Closed Memorial Day
The Library will be closed on Monday, May 27th for Memorial Day. We will be reopen on Tuesday for our normal hours, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Recipe Swap
On Tuesday, May 28th at 6:30 p.m., join us for Recipe Swap and share your favorite recipe with fellow patrons who share your passion — cooking! Every month is a different theme. This month’s theme is “National Hamburger and Salad Day”.
Summer Reading Kick Off Party
Come to our Summer Reading Kick-Off Party to celebrate the beginning of Summer Reading on Monday, June 3rd this year.
Kid’s birth to 11 years old can sign-up for summer reading online ( or at the library. For teens, 6th – 12th grade, no sign-up is needed. Just come in to the library to get your Teen Summer Reading bingo card and find out how to get started.
We will have several special performers at the library during Summer Reading, including:
- Friday, June 7th at 1:30 – Smoky Hills PBS Share-a-story
- Thursday, June 13th at 1 pm – Eric Vaughn, comedy magician
- Monday, June 17th at 2 pm and Monday, June 24th at 2 pm – Mythology Behind the Constellations,
teen program presented by Matthew McIntyre and Katie Rages - Friday, June 21st at 1 pm – Jammin’ Randy, “Rockin’ Through the Universe”
- Wednesday, June 26th at 1 pm – Mad Science, Destination: Moon!
- Tuesday, July 2nd at 1:30 – Dan Dan the Magic Man, “Cosmic Conjuring: A Universe of Magic”
- Tuesday, July 9th
at 1 pm – Musician Aaron Fowler and Miss Bella, will share stories and songs. For ages 4 & up. - Wednesday, July 10th at 2 pm – Astronomy Class, teen program presented by Darrin Hook
- Thursday, July 11th at 1 pm – Troy Graham, folk singer-songwriter, poet, children’s entertainer
- Friday, July 19 at 1:30 pm – Priscilla Howe, A Galaxy of Giggles
Summer Lunches
This summer, lunches will be served from 11:30 to 12:30, Monday – Friday in the Downstairs Activity Area at the Library. USD 480’s Summer Food Service Program is open to all children and teens, ages 1-18. No registration or identification required. For more information, contact Connie Vogts at 620-604-1204.
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
At the same time that Summer Reading is starting, we will also begin our 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program. This free program encourages you to read 1000 books to your child before he/she enters school – a goal experts say children need to help them learn to read for themselves. Babies up to children not-yet-enrolled in kindergarten are invited to participate in this new free program. Stop by the library to sign up today! Your child will receive a prize after each 200 books he/she reads.
Smoky Hills PBS Share-a-story
On Friday, June 7th at 1:30 pm, Jennifer Hanson, a Share-A-Story Presenter from Smoky Hills PBS, will come to the library and read “There’s No Place Like Space!” by Tish Rabe and each child will get a copy of the book to take home.
After that we will watch a fun video about gravity and make rockets out of construction paper.
Library and Lunch book discussion
In June, we will discuss “The Rent Collector” by Camron Wright. We’ll meet on Tuesday, June 11th at 12 p.m. Bring your lunch and join the discussion.
Events This Week
- Monday at 2 pm Video & Board Game Day – Don’t be bored at home; come play video and board games with us! We’ll have: Headbanz, Battleship, Checkers, Pictureka, Uno, Just Dance, Mariokart, Super Smash Brothers, and more!
- Tuesday at 11 am Storytime – Stories, songs, crafts, and more! Plus, every child gets a free book to take home at every storytime. Story times are open to children of all ages.
- Wednesday at 11 am Lapsit Storytime – Special storytime for children ages 0-2. Come listen to stories, sing songs, and develop key literacy skills. Also, every child gets a FREE book to take home!
- Thursday at 2 pm Game Day for Adults – Join us for Game Day for Adults. Hang out with other adults and play board or card games like Mexican Train Dominoes, Card Bingo, or the card game “5 Crowns.”
- Thursday at 5:30 pm Spanish Storytime – Listen to stories and songs in Spanish, plus make a fun craft. All ages are welcome. Every child gets a free book to take home.
- Saturday at 4 pm Open Mic: Poetry – In honor of Poetry Month we are hosting an open mic night dedicated to poetry! Come join us to recite your favorite poem or share with us your own original piece! Sign up will be open on the day of the event.
Join us in our coffee bar for a traditional open mic feel! Everyone will get to vote for their favorite poet and the winner will receive a prize. Join us to listen or to share, either way it will be a good time.
More Events
Recipe Swap
On Tuesday, April 30th at 6:30 p.m., join us for Recipe Swap and share your favorite recipe with fellow patrons who share your passion — cooking!
Every month is a different theme. This month’s theme is recipes from the book ”A taste of murder : diabolically delicious recipes from contemporary mystery writers”.
Tea Party
Get fancy at our Mommy and Me Fancy Nancy tea party on May 11th at 1:30 pm.
Seating is limited. Signup online or at the library starting May 1st.
On Saturday, May 4 at 1 pm, May the 4th be with you for our Star Wars Day celebration. Vote for which Star Wars movie we will watch. Enjoy Star Wars Snack Mix and Yoda Soda during the movie! There will also be a photo booth and costume contest!
On Thursday, May 23rd at 6 pm, watch a fun new animated movie about dragons.
Library and Lunch
In May we will discuss “Crazy Rich Asians” by Keven Kwan. We’ll meet on Tuesday, May 14th at 12 p.m. Bring your lunch and join the discussion.
Teen Craft: Pillowcase Decorating
Want a way to remember this school year? On Tuesday, May 14 at 4:30 pm, come and decorate a pillowcase to take to school and have all your friends sign!
Closed Memorial Day
The Library will be closed on Monday, May 27th for Memorial Day. We will be reopen on Tuesday for our normal hours, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The Children’s Healthy Fun Fair is this Saturday! From 10 am to 1 pm, come to the Agriculture Building at Seward County Fair Grounds for free fun for kids ages birth – 6th grade and their parents! We’re going to have a lot of fun stuff at this year’s Fair, including:
- Free toothbrushes for kids from Lifetime Smiles!
- Free stick-on tattoos!
- Fishing for letters with USD 308!
- Life-size Operation Game from Southwest Medical Center!
- Free books from USD 308!
- Free Liberal Memorial Library Sippy Cup!
- Take your photo & decorate a frame!
- Chalk activity to take home!
- Easter craft!
- Lots of fun games & activities!
- Free snack for kids!
- Free information for parents about car seats, antibiotics, local services, and more!
- Interesting exhibits!
- Meet the Bee from KSCB & Sparky the Fire Dog!
To go along with the Healthy Fun Fair, and also for National Nutrition Month in March, here are some good books for kids and their parents about healthy eating. All are available for checkout here at the library: 
Eating the Alphabet: Fruits and Vegetables from A to Z by Lois Ehlert: This ABC book features bold illustrations and introduces children to such foods as endive and kiwi.
Little Pea by Amy Krouse Rosenthal: Little Pea hates eating candy for dinner, but his parents will not let him have his spinach dessert until he cleans his plate. A hilarious read-aloud, and the perfect intervention for picky eaters.
Rah, Rah, Radishes! A Vegetable Chant by April Pulley Sayre: With a raucous rhyming text, Rah, Rah Radishes celebrates fresh vegetables, nature’s bright colors, and the joy of healthy eating. The book’s interactive spirit encourages kids to join in on the read-aloud fun, and little ones won’t be able to resist the book’s vibrant photographs–they’re a feast for the eyes!
How Did That Get in my Lunchbox? The Story of Food by Christine Butterworth: The best part of a young child’s day is often opening a lunchbox and diving in. But how did all that delicious food get there? Who made the bread for the sandwich? What about the cheese inside? Who plucked the fruit? And where did the chocolate in that cookie get its start?
From planting wheat to mixing flour into dough, climbing trees to machine-squeezing fruit, picking cocoa pods to stirring a vat of melted bliss, here is a clear, engaging look at the steps involved in producing some common foods. Healthy tips and a peek at basic food groups complete the menu.
The Cleaner Plate Club by Beth Bader and Ali Benjamin: If you’ve ever had to grapple with picky eaters who won’t touch anything but chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese, Beth Bader and Ali Benjamin have a solution. Their unique ideas will help you present fresh foods that appeal to kids, eliminate food waste, and help you quit worrying about what your children eat.
Better Food for Kids : Your Essential Guide to Nutrition for All Children from Age 2 to 10 (2nd ed.) by Joanne Saab and Daina Kalnins: With both professional advice and delicious recipes that are thoroughly tested and analyzed, this guide is a comprehensive resource for parents. Includes more than 200 recipes.