Swing into the library this August

The summer reading programs have wrapped for the year.  It was an astounding success. The adults turned in Bingo sheets at the end of July and three had blackouts! Kudos to their achievement this summer!

A small recap of the activities that we had this summer: for the adults, we had a writing workshop where published authors discussed their experience, Sherlock Holmes trivia, an e-reader workshop led by our library tech Doreen, and sustainable agriculture led by a Seward County Community College instructor among our regularly scheduled Library and Lunch, Book Chats and Recipe Swaps.  On the teen’s front, we had a cooking session, Zumba, CSI: Liberal, games, movies, and parties.  All those who participated had a great time! Hope you join us next summer and don’t forget to stop by the library in the months to come to attend programs.

On Friday, kiddos came to pick up their certificates and enjoy an ice cream party with all kinds of delicious toppings.  They’re preparing for school.  Casandra, our children’s librarian and Royce, our new library director were out at the New Teacher Fair this past week welcoming new teachers to the area and getting them into the library to sign up for new library cards. In a few weeks, it’s National Library Card Month. It’s the most important card in your wallet!

Remember to stop by for storytimes in the month of August. They are open to children of all ages.  They’re on Mondays and Thursday at 11:15 a.m. and Tuesday evening at 11:15 a.m.  Lapsit for infants under 24 months is on Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m.

Library and Lunch will be held on Tuesday, August 12 at 12 p.m. to discuss “President Me: The America That’s in My Head” by Adam Carolla.  The last few months has seen quite serious novels.  All the members agreed that a comedic book was needed.  Grab your lunch and join in on the conversation. If you haven’t read the book that’s fine, you can still join!

Don’t forget book chat meets every third Thursday of the month.  The group discusses what books they are currently reading and what new books have hit the shelves at the library. This month’s will be on Thursday, August 21 at 6:30 p.m.

On Monday, August 25 at 6:30 p.m., Recipe Swap will take place.  This month’s recipes are baked goods.  Breads, cookies, or baked goods.

For the latest library programming take a peek at the library website or grab a newsletter from the circulation desk.  Stay tuned and connected through our social media pages.  If you have any questions or suggestions about books or programs don’t hesitate to ask.  We hope to see you at the library this summer!