Gardening at the Library

Gardening Books
If you planning to start a garden soon, check out our gardening book display.

rodale's-vegetable-garden-problem-solverRodale’s vegetable garden problem solver : the best and latest advice for beating pests, diseases, and weeds and staying a step ahead of trouble in the garden
by Fern Marshall Bradley.

From the book description
With the latest research, breakthroughs, and troubleshooting advice, Rodale’s Vegetable Garden Problem Solver features hundreds of organic and natural solutions for tackling disease, pest, and weed problems…No matter what challenge crops up in your vegetable garden, you’ll discover all the answers you need to find solutions fast and keep your crops on track.

waterwise-plantsWaterwise Plants for Sustainable Gardens: 200 Drought-Tolerant Choices for all Climates
by Scott Ogden

From the book description
People everywhere are facing the realities of restricted water availability. Yet sustainable gardens and landscapes that use less water don’t have to be boring. The key to keeping your garden beautiful and water-wise is intelligent plant choice.

This practical and inspiring guide includes all kinds of plants from tree to succulents, from perennials to bulbs, selected for their wide adaptability and ornamental value.

small-space-vegetable-gardensSmall-Space Vegetable Gardens: Growing Great Edibles in Containers, Raised Beds, and Small Plots
by Andrea Bellamy

From the book description
Grow your own delicious food in any space—no matter how small. Andrea Bellamy, of the award-winning blog Heavy Petal, shares a wealth of knowledge from years of gardening small. Learn how to plan and build your garden—on balconies, in raised beds, up walls, across parking strips, and more—as well as how to sow, grow, and harvest an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables all season long.


KSL digital book eLendingThere are four different apps you can use to checkout eBooks with your Kansas Library eCard. Each has different things to offer.

  • Total Boox is the newest. There are no holds and all the books are always available. Also, you can keep the books you checkout for as long as you like, your checkouts will never expire. This app only works on mobile devices. You will be able to read the eBooks on your tablet or phone, but not on your computer screen.
  • 3M Cloud Library is the best choice for new bestsellers and larger publishers. Checkout up to 5 books for 2 weeks. Place holds on books that are already checked out. The app works with most mobile devices and on Windows and Mac computers.
  • Enki Library includes independent publishers and shelf-published books. They have a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction books. Checkout up to 10 books for 3 weeks. Place holds on books that are already checked out.
  • Freading has a large collection that is always available. It includes books from small and medium sized publishers and a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction. Checkout up to 5 books per week for 2 weeks each.

If you prefer books you can listen to, OneClickdigital is the app you’ll use to checkout audiobooks through your Kansas Library eCard.

For more information about eBooks or audiobooks, visit If you’re interested in getting a Kansas Library eCard, come in to our library or any other Kansas library to get one.



2016-srp-slogan-779Summer Reading Signup

Signup for Summer Reading starts next week, May 1st.

Poppa D. Clown will be at the library on May 23rd to help us kickoff Summer Reading. Other exciting Summer Reading events this year will include a Cosmosphere rocketry presentation, a puppet show, a visit from the people of Mad Science, and a program presented by Smoky Hills Public TV.

Come in to the library or visit our website, after May 1st, to get signed up and for more information.

Train Your Brain and Get Smart With the Arts

April is packed until the end of the month with things to do at the library.

microphoneIf you missed Friday’s Open Mic, join us for next month’s Open Mic Nite at 6 pm in the library basement. We love having new performers (contact Tammy or Elizabeth to get on the bill for next month), but we also need a great audience! Check out new and familiar local performers, or come and try out your poetry, music, dramatic readings, or any other performance you wish to share.

Now that I have gotten that pitch out of the way, it’s probably time to talk about a subject near and dear to my heart: Comicon! This year will be our second year, and we’re going to be bigger than before! We have superhero crafts for kids, and games with super hero themed prizes. For the gamers among us, we have video and tabletop areas for kid and adult gamers alike. We’ll have video rooms again for anime and other TV you might want to catch up on, such as the BBC Sherlock Holiday Special. There will be panels again this year to discuss your favorite pop culture stories.

Darth Vader and his Storm Trooper friend will be among us once again, thanks to the 501st Legion. They may be visited by a wookie and other friends, you never know. As always, costumes and nerd memorabilia will be encouraged and rewarded with our late-in-the-day costume contest for all ages.

I am so excited about our expanded offerings this year! If you have any questions, please let me know! If you want to contribute to panels, or have a skill (such as game-leading) you would like to contribute, we’d love to have you!
star wars force awakensAnd this isn’t even the half of it! We’re still looking for Bunco players for the 24th, which is also our Earth Day Party. Our adult coffee klatch and craft is going to be faux stained glass (you can’t mess it up! I promise!) at noon on Wednesday the 27th. Tuesday the 26th is our DNA party where we will build monsters and create life! Thursday of the same week is our monthly Sensory Storytime for children of all ages with communicative and developmental disorders such as autism, and lastly, when the kids are off school on Friday the 29th, we will be doing crafts at 1pm and watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens at 2 pm.

Next month we’re firing off Summer Reading with a bang! Watch this space, and our website for more info!

April Activities at Liberal Memorial Library

Happy National Poetry Month! Look for poems around the library while you’re here checking out books, movies, playing with toys and puppets, or participating in one of our many activities. Our April calendar is chock full of fun activities for all ages!

piles of booksThe Friends of the Library are holding their Annual Spring Book Sale Apr. 12 – 14 (Tues. – Thurs.) There will be an opening reception for all members of the Friends of the Library and LML Board Members on Monday night April 11th, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. The reception is open only to members of the Friends and Board members so we encourage all of you to spread the word of this benefit of becoming a Friend of the Memorial Library – information can be found on our website at

Funds from the Book Sale go to the Friends to help support library programs including Baby’s Bookshelf, Summer Reading Program, etc.

  • Tuesday, April 12th at Noon: Library & Lunch – Bring your lunch and join us to discuss The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom.[raw]
  • Alien 3Tuesday, April 12th at 4 pm: Alien Poetry Party! Kids and teens are invited to write out-of-this-world poetry, do alien crafts, and play games! Snacks provided.[raw]
  • Tuesdays at 6 pm: Evening Storytime! Join us for stories, songs, and crafts.[raw]
  • Wednesday, April 13th, 20th, & 27th at 4 pm: Lego Challenge! Join us in our weekly building challenge![raw]
  • Thursdays at 11:15 am: Storytime! Join us for stories, songs, and crafts.[raw]
  • Thursday, April 14th at 6 pm: Poetry storytime! Join us as we celebrate National Poetry Month with rhyming stories by some of our favorite children’s poets.[raw]
  • microphoneFriday, April 15th at 6 pm: Open Mic Night with the cast of SCCC’s Hairspray! Join us when the library reopens at 6 for songs, stories, poems, and more! Email Tammy,, if you would like to share your talents with us that night.[raw]
  • Thursday, April 21st at 4 pm: Earth Day Celebration! Kids and teens can join us to paint their ideal planet, eat earthy snacks, and learn how to take care of our Earth!
  • Thursday, April 21st at 6 pm: Bilingual Storytime – Join us for stories and songs in English and Spanish, followed by a craft.[raw]
  • Monday, April 25th at 6:30 pm: Recipe Swap – This month’s theme is “light and fresh foods” for summer. Bring something to share and taste everyone else’s recipes before you try them out at home.[raw]
  • Tuesday, April 26th at 4 pm: DNA Day! Party with the building blocks of life! We are making DNA and building mutant monsters. Board games, crafts, and snacks for everyone![raw]
  • faux stained glassWednesday, April 27th at Noon: Coffee & Faux Stained Glass – In this crafting session for adults, we are making fake stained glass that is so easy, you’ll be trying it again at home! We will also have coffee and dunkable snacks on hand to go with our chatting and crafting![raw]
  • Thursday, April 28th at 6 pm: Sensory Storytime – A special storytime for children with learning and communicative disorders, such as autism. Children will play and learn in a calming environment through all of their senses.[raw]
  • Friday, April 29th – No school day! Crafts & games at 1 pm, followed by a movie at 2 pm! Popcorn and lemonade will be served during the movie.[raw][/raw]
  • Saturday, April 30th at 11:00 am – El día de los niños/El día de los libros – Come celebrate Children’s Day/ Book Day!

Library Events for the week of Easter

catapultComing Events this Week

On Tuesday at 4 p.m. we are going to ring in Spring with a children’s party filled with snacks, crafts and… catapults! We are testing our skills to see who can fling their objects the furthest.

Afterwards we will have our regularly scheduled evening story time at 6 p.m. There will be stories, crafts, and songs. Story times are open to children of all ages.

On Thursday at 6:00 p.m. we will get together in the Cooper Clark room to have a special quiet and gentle story time for children who need a safe environment in which to explore. In Sensory Story time, we will move at a slower pace and focus on experiences with the five senses. All children are invited, but those with special needs are especially encouraged to attend.

Easter related book display

In keeping with the Easter holiday, we’ve set up a book display loaded with Easter, egg, and bunny related books. Here are a few.

great book egg decoratingGreat Book of Egg Decorating
by Grazia Buttafuoco

From the Book Description
Make beautifully decorated eggs…The techniques are described in detail and are the most treasured the world over.

  • Wax embossing on natural shells
  • Wax embossing on colored shells
  • Drilling
  • Decoupage



Rabbit HandbookThe Rabbit Handbook
by K. Gendron

From the Book Description
The information you need to raise healthy rabbits. Facts, advice, and fascinating insights tell you all you need to know about

  • Purchase
  • Nutrition
  • Health Care
  • Housing
  • And much more

Scorched EggsScorched eggs
by Laura Childs

From the Book Description
In Laura Childs’s New York Times bestselling mystery series, Suzanne, Petra, and Toni—co-owners of the Cackleberry Club café—are equally good at serving up breakfast and serving up justice. This time they turn up the heat on a deadly firebug.

As Suzanne is getting her hair colored at Root 66, she’s stunned to witness the County Services Building next door suddenly go up in flames. Concerned neighbors throng the streets, and the fire department does their best. Unfortunately their best isn’t enough to save long time civil service worker—and friend to the Cackleberry Club—Hannah Venable.

Soon enough, it’s discovered that an accelerant was used to fan the flames. Someone set the fire on purpose — was Hannah the intended victim? Suzanne, Petra, and Toni vow to smoke out the culprit.

Easter BlessingsEaster Blessings: The Lily Field\The Butterfly Garden
by Lenora Worth and Gail Gaymer Martin

From the Book Description
“The Lily Field” by Lenora Worth
World-weary Mariel Evans comes home to soak up the simple life, never expecting to fall in love with Heath Whitaker, a man of strong faith-or to come to believe that God watches over her, each and every day. But can Mariel let go of her fears and take a chance on love…?

“The Butterfly Garden” by Gail Gaymer Martin
After an accident leaves Emily Casale paralyzed, she abandons God and the hope of ever leaving her wheelchair. When Greg Zimmerman sets his sights on her, Emily starts to rebuild her faith and believe in herself again. With a little help from the heavens above, will Emily find the courage to take a walk down the aisle?

This week at the Library

It’s been a busy week at the library. We have had activities and movies every day for kids, and a special St. Patrick’s Day Party in our new downstairs activity center area. It gave us a place to spread out and have multiple activities going on at once, with kids and teens doing puzzles for prizes, making crafts and playing board games. The movies had stellar attendance, and everyone got movie theater style popcorn from our popcorn machine to help with the movie atmosphere.

That is how I, Elizabeth, the Children’s Librarian, and many of our staff members spent our week, and it was exhausting, but great! We had familiar faces at the library, and new ones, trying out activities they might not have experienced before.

candle - decorated 2Now we’re looking forward to new things happening at the library, like our adult candle and coffee party on Wednesday, the 23rd, where we will decorate and ‘Jazz up’ candle holders and candles, with most of the materials being easy dollar store finds, so they can be replicated at home. We will also be enjoying a variety of coffee, thanks to the magical power of Keurig and flavors like Cinnabon Cinnarolls and Toffee to Churro-flavored coffee.  All materials are provided, including the cream and sugar!

We also have our Spring Fling on Tuesday the 29th, just after Easter. We’ll be celebrating the official start of Spring, which happens on the 20th, by making catapults and seeing who can fling objects the furthest. Refreshments, crafts and games will also be on-hand to help us kick off the new season. Hopefully the weather improves!

Next month is going to be National Poetry Month, so look out for great adult, kid and teen activities that involve words, art, and music.We’ll also be having our monthly Bunko game, and our lunchtime book club.

We will also be running our bilingual storytime and our new Sensory Storytime for all children, but especially for those with developmental and communicative disorders, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder. The last Thursday of the month, we will tell stories and play, using all five senses in a safe, quiet and calm environment in our Cooper Clark room.

Lastly, I want to remind everyone of our upcoming Comicon! May 7th is the date, and we will start bright and early at 9 am, with costumes, discussion panels, games, prizes, and importantly, comics for attendees! All fandoms are welcome, so dust off your My Little Pony ears, your Stormtrooper helmet and your Batman cape for our costume contest, or just for the fun of it. We will be spread out throughout the library, including the new downstairs activity area, and if weather permits, outside the library as well.

I hope that we will see all of our old friends, and some new ones too, at our programs in the upcoming months. If you would like more details about any of our programs, please call the library, or check out our website at

Spring Into Fun at Your Library

spring flower and eggSpring Break is here! It can be a fun time to relax, maybe take a trip, catch up on reading, and catch up on sleep. But if your kids find themselves bored over Spring Break, or you just feel the need to get them out of the house for a while, Liberal Memorial Library has a lot of fun stuff that they can do!

Our basement has been transformed into a great space to make crafts, watch movies, and listen to fun speakers. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday this week, kids and teens can join us there for a craft at 1 pm and a movie at 2 pm. We will be serving popcorn and lemonade at the movies. And, kids have the chance to win prizes playing games over the craft hour (1-2).

This Thursday at 4 pm, kids and teens should come to our St. Patrick’s Day Party! Wear green and enjoy green snacks along with games, prizes, crafts, and party favors.

shamrockWe will also be having a special St. Patrick’s Day Storytime at 6 pm on Thursday. Come hear some stories and do a craft that relate to this green, lucky holiday.

You can also get yourself out of the house, as adults can come on Thursday at noon for another game of Bunco! Bunco is an easy-to-learn dice game, and players had a ton of fun last time. Seating is limited, so call the library at (620)626-0180 to sign up.

Don’t worry, the fun doesn’t stop just because Spring Break ends. On Tuesday the 23rd at noon, adults can join us to “Jazz up your candles and coffee.” We will be using simple techniques to make candles smell and look more interesting. We’ll be doing the same with our coffee! Register on our website:

We will have Bilingual Storytime on Thursday, March 24 at 6 pm. Join us for stories and songs in English and Spanish along with a craft.

The library will be closed on Friday & Saturday, March 25 & 26 for Easter.

On the 29th, we’ll have a Spring Fling for kids and teens – we’ll be making catapults! Have fun catapulting objects across the room, and compete to see who can fling their objects the farthest!

We will have our second Sensory Storytime on the 31st at 6 pm. This is a quiet and gentle storytime for children who need a safe environment in which to explore. We will move at a slower pace and focus on experiences with the five senses. Children with special needs are especially encouraged to attend.

As always, we will have our normal storytimes every Tuesday at 6 pm and every Thursday at 11:15 am. Come join us for Easter-themed stories and crafts this month as we look forward to that holiday.

william allen white awardOne final note – Kids in grades 3-5 and 6-8 can vote on which book will win the William Allen White Award until April 15. So, if you have a child in one of these grades, see if you can get them to read one or more of the books on our William Allen White Awards shelf! The nominees can be found online at:

Children’s Healthy Fun Fair 2016

Charley KempthorneBefore I tell you about the Children’s Healthy Fun Fair, let’s take a look at what else is coming up at the library this week!

Tues. Mar. 1, 10 am – noon: The LifeStory Institute Presents: Memoir and Family History Writing Workshop – Charley Kempthorne, writer and teacher, will conduct this workshop, which is free and open to all.  Registration is required as space is limited!  Register by calling 620-626-0180 or going to our website:

Tues. Mar. 1 at 6 pm and Thurs. Mar. 4 at 11:15 am: Storytime! We’re reading some classic Dr. Seuss stories in honor of his birthday and doing a Seussian craft.

Thurs. Mar. 3 at 6 pm: A special evening Dr. Seuss Storytime! Enjoy some favorite Seuss books and make a Seuss-inspired craft!

Thurs. Mar. 3 at 6 pm: A special evening Dr. Seuss Storytime! Enjoy some favorite Seuss books and make a Seuss-inspired craft!


Now, let’s talk about the Thirteenth Annual Children’s Healthy Fun Fair!  This year’s fair will be held on Saturday, March 5, from 10 am – 1 pm in the Agriculture Building at Seward County Fairgrounds.  It’s FREE and it’s a lot of fun for the whole family!  Children ages birth to sixth grade and their parents are especially invited to the fair, as are women who are pregnant.

This year, we have a lot of great things lined up for the Fair! New this year, United Healthcare is bringing a “Community Baby Shower” to the fair.  Pregnant mothers will be able to learn about prenatal, post-partum, and well-baby checkups.  They will also be able to learn about services available to their children, once they are born.  United will also be giving gifts and a snack for pregnant mothers.

Russell Child Development Center will be handing out some fun things for the kids!  This includes rubber ducks and various other items.

The Health Dept. and Safety Council will be giving out information on car seat safety and they will raffle 4 booster seats for children 4 – 8 years old.

Seward County Fire will have a fire truck display outside, weather permitting.  They will also be handing out coloring books and badges.

Seward County Emergency Management will be handing out coloring books, the new revised disaster response guides for adults, and other items dealing with how to react to both natural and manmade disasters. They will also have pictures of recent storms in our area.

USD 480 will have their alphabet fishing booth, where children can fish for the letters of the alphabet, and get a piece of sidewalk chalk with suggested motor activities for children.  They will also be giving away books for kids! They will also have The Newcomers Center taking pictures of the children, and kids can decorate a frame for it.

Also new this year, Southwest Kansas Diaper Bank will be displaying and handing out information about diaper need, how to help with that need, and how people can receive help with getting diapers.

Genesis Family Health together with Life Time Smile will be performing oral screenings.

Southwest Medical Center will have information about X-Rays, a demonstration of the effects of smoking on the lungs, a hands-on hand hygiene activity, and a general information booth.

Kansas Talking Books will have a booth highlighting the service, which provides free audiobooks to borrow to patrons with vision issues and children with certain reading disabilities.  They will also have some fun give-a-way items for kids!

The Library will have some tabletop games to play and free books for kids, plus information for parents!

We hope that all pregnant mothers along with children ages birth – sixth grade and their parents will join us on March 5, between 10 am and 1 pm at the Ag Building on the Seward County Fairgrounds for a fun time of exhibits, demonstrations, activities, give-a-ways, and more!

Valentine’s Day week – events and news

Liberal Memorial Library Events this week

  • President’s Day
    The library will be closed on Monday, February 15th for President’s Day.
  • Bunco Party – Adults
    It’s not too late to sign up for our first ever Bunco party. It will be on Thursday, February 18th at noon in the Cooper-Clark meeting room. Bunco is a popular dice game that is often played at parties or with family. Refreshment will be served.
  • Game Time for Kids
    We will also have a Game Time for Kids on Thursday at 4 p.m. Kids will earn prizes and enjoy refreshments.

New Computers

The library is in the process of getting new laptops and power companions. Patrons can use the power companions to charge their own devices via usb, one of the library’s laptops, or possibly the patron’s own laptop if it is a model similar to one of the library laptops. The new laptops and power companions will be available for checkout for in-library usage for adult and teen patrons (with parental consent).

Valentine’s Day – New Romance Novels

We have set up a book display of new romance novels in honor of Valentine’s Day. For those of us who enjoy being swept away by a good romance, here are a few of our best and newest.

ladys guide to ruinA lady’s guide to ruin
by Kathleen Kimmel

Book Description
Joan Price is a wanted woman. A thief and a fugitive from the mental hospital where she was falsely committed, she’s now on the run from her former partners in crime. But luck must be on her side – just when it seems all is doomed, she runs straight into the arms of Martin Hargrove, Earl of Fenbrook, who mistakes her for his distant cousin, Daphne.

Lord Fenbrook has no intention of marrying, and certainly doesn’t consider his notoriously scatterbrained cousin a prospect. But her flighty persona seems to hide something far more intriguing – a secret self she trusts with no one. And Martin is determined to earn that trust……

All the stars in the heavens : a novelall stars in heavens
by Adriana Trigiani

Book Description
The movie business is booming in 1935 when twenty-one-year-old Loretta Young meets thirty-four-year old Clark Gable on the set of The Call of the Wild. Though he’s already married, Gable falls for the stunning and vivacious young actress, and she returns his feelings.

Far from the glittering lights of Hollywood, Sister Alda Ducci has been forced to leave her convent and begin a new journey that leads her to Loretta. Becoming Miss Young’s secretary, the innocent and pious young Alda must navigate the wild terrain of Hollywood with fierce determination and a moral code that derives from her Italian roots. Over the course of decades, Alda and Loretta encounter scandal and adventure, choose love and passion, and forge an enduring bond of loyalty that will be put to the test when they face the greatest obstacle of their lives.

Who do you lovewho do you love
by Jennifer Weiner

Book Description
An unforgettable story about true love, real life, and second changes…
Rachel Blum and Andy Landis are just eight years old when they meet one night in an ER waiting room. Born with a congenital heart defect, Rachel is a veteran of hospitals, and she’s intrigued by the boy who shows up alone with a broken arm. He tells her his name. She tells him a story. After Andy’s taken back to a doctor and Rachel’s sent back to her bed, they think they’ll never see each other again.

Yet, over the next three decades, Andy and Rachel will meet again and again – linked by chance, history, and the memory of the first time they met, a night that changed the course of both of their lives.

Kansas Day

Kansas Day is celebrated every January 29th to honor the day that Kansas was officially admitted into the Union in 1861.

Here are some of the books that the library has to offer that are all about what Kansas has to offer:

The-Kansas-guidebook-for-explorersThe Kansas guidebook for explorers
by Marci Penner

From the Book Description
Marci teaches you how to see Kansas “with new eyes.” Whether you’re looking for a day trip, a long vacation, or just want to travel from your armchair, The Kansas Guidebook for Explorers is a priceless resource.


Kansas curiositiesKansas curiosities : quirky characters, roadside oddities & other offbeat stuff
by Pam Grout

From the Book Description
Kansas Curiosities is your round-trip ticket to the wildest, wackiest, most outrageous people, places, and things the Sunflower State has to offer. Humor columnist Pam Grout has combed Kansas for one-of-a-kind gems that make her home state truly unique.


Kansas off the beaten pathKansas : off the beaten path : a guide to unique places
by Patti DeLano

From the Book Description
Devoted to travelers with a taste for the unique, this easy-to-use guide will help you discover the hidden places in Kansas that most tourists miss.



Ghost towns of KansasGhost towns of Kansas : a traveler’s guide
by Daniel Fitzgerald

From the Book Description
This illustrated guide to Kansas ghost towns will delight travelers and armchair tourists alike. Organized by region, it tells the story of 100 towns that have either disappeared without a trace or are only “a shadowy remnant of what they once were.”


Kansas Day Story Time

Don’t forget to join us at Liberal Memorial Library for a special Kansas Day themed Story Time on Thursday, January 28th at 11:15 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. There will be stories, crafts, and songs. Story times are open to children of all ages.


Super Bowl Recipe Swap

Tomorrow we will have our monthly Recipe Swap. This month’s theme is “Super Bowl snacks”. So come in and share your favorite recipe with fellow patrons who share your passion — cooking!

It will be on Monday, January 25th at 6:30 p.m. in the Cooper Clark meeting room.



tax formsTax Forms at the library

It’s that time of year again. If you come in to the library looking for federal and state tax forms, we will be happy to help you find the forms you need.

The library doesn’t receive as many paper tax forms each year as we did in the past, but the forms are available online and we can help you download and print them. There is also a place on our website,, that gives information about tax forms.

Please remember that the library staff cannot offer tax advice, but we can help you find tax forms that you need.


Children’s Book Awards

This week at the library:

luckiest girl aliveJoin us for Library and Lunch on Tuesday at noon, where we will discuss The Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll. Bilingual Storytime launches this month on Thursday at 6 pm. Kids and their parents can come enjoy Spanish and English stories and songs, followed by a craft. And don’t forget our normal storytimes, Tuesdays at 6 pm and Thursdays at 11:15 am. We will also have a Lego Build Day on Wednesday at 4 pm in the Cooper-Clark Room. There will be treats, Legos, the Minecraft card game, and Minecraft crafts. Fun for builders of all ages!

Newberys, Caldecotts, and other Children’s Book Awards
Tomorrow is a very exciting day for all who love Children’s literature. Tomorrow morning at the American Library Association’s Midwinter Conference (held this year in Boston), the winners of the Newbery Medal, Caldecott Medal, and several other children’s book awards will be announced. I’m excited to see what the committees have picked as the best of the best for 2015! With these medals on the verge of being announced, I thought I’d revisit some of my favorite past Newbery Medal winners, all available for checkout at the library:

Moon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool (2011 Newbery winner): The author of this book lives in Wichita, Kansas! From the book description: “Twelve-year-old Abilene Tucker is the daughter of a drifter who, in the summer of 1936, sends her to stay with an old friend in Manifest, Kansas, where he grew up, and where she hopes to find out some things about his past.”

Holes by Louis Sachar (1999 Newbery winner): From the book description: “Stanley Yelnats has been unjustly sent to a boys’ detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the boys build character by spending all day, every day digging holes exactly five feet wide and five feet deep. Stanley tries to dig up the truth in this inventive and darkly humorous tale of crime and punishment—and redemption.” There is also a good movie adaptation of the same name, starring Shia LaBeouf, Sigourney Weaver, and Jon Voight.

The Giver by Lois Lowry (1994 Newbery winner): From the book description: “Given his lifetime assignment at the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas becomes the receiver of memories shared by only one other in his community and discovers the terrible truth about the society in which he lives.”

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle (1963 Newbery winner): From the book description: “Meg Murry, her savant younger brother Charles Wallace, and her friend Calvin become involved with unearthly strangers and a search for Meg’s father, who has disappeared while engaged in secret work for the government.”

And, as a long-time Dr. Seuss fan, I can’t forget about the Geisel Awards, given to “the author(s) and illustrator(s) of the most distinguished American book for beginning readers.”

There is a Bird on Your Head by Mo Willems (2008 Geisel winner): From the book description:
“Gerald the elephant discovers that there is something worse than a bird on your head– two birds on your head! Piggie will try to help her best friend.” Mo Willems’s book, Are You Ready to Play Outside?, also featuring Gerald and Piggie, won the Geisel in 2009.